Learn about current Digital Marketing trends and develop a marketing strategy that works for you. Discover how to properly use platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and more.
The digital industry is growing at a rate of 14% annually, making it the most desirable career in today’s scenario.
Career of Digital Marketing:
global job market is booming in the digital marketing arena. The year on year growth in the number of qualitative jobs is rapidly increasing.Learn about current Digital Marketing trends and develop a marketing strategy that works for you. Discover how to properly use platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and more.
The digital industry is growing at a rate of 14% annually, making it the most desirable career in today’s scenario.
- Learners must have the Basic IT knowledge
- Should be able to read English
- At least Matriculation/O-Level
Sr. No. | Contents |
1 | Introduction to Freelancing
2 | Social Media Marketing (SMM)
3 | Content Creation & Branding with AI
4 | Learn SEO for Social Media Platforms
5 | Facebook Marketing with AI
6 | Instagram Marketing with AI
7 | LinkedIn Marketing
8 | TikTok Marketing
9 | YouTube Marketing
10 | Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Fundamentals
11 | Email Marketing
12 | Advance Freelance Training and Setting Up Digital Marketing Agency
- Create a rewarding and profitable freelancing business
- Create a side hustle or full-time source of income online
- Leave 9-to-5 for a life of financial, personal, and professional freedom.
- Build a ROCKSTAR Freelance Profile
- Find & Closing High-Ticket Clients
- Develop a Millionaire Mindset
Skill-Wise Earnings:
Skill Level | Avg Monthly Salary |
Junior | 30k-50k |
Mid-Level | 50k-100k |
Advanced | 100k-350k |
Freelancer | 30k-250k |